петак, 30. март 2012.


Radovi nastaju u jednom dahu i kao rezultat stvaralačkog impulsa, ponekad bez svesne kontrole i unapred zadate ideje i tematike. Baš iz tog razloga mom stvaralačkom izrazu najviše odgovara kolažna tehnika. Kolaž mi omogućava da stvaram brzo, da kombinujem, dodajem i oduzimam elemente, lepim i cepam, a brzina izrade odgovara mom stvaralačkom temperamentu. U konkretnom kolažu dominira atmosfera elevacije I bestežinskog stanja. To je svet  oslobođen stega i okova realnosti.
Collages are made in the spur of a moment, as a result of an artistic impulse sometimes without the conscious control and already determined idea and theme. For the very reason the technique of collage suits my artistic temperament the most. It enables me to create fast, to combine, add and remove elements, glue as well as tear. The world of collage is dominated by the atmosphere of elevation and zero gravity. It is the world liberated from the chains of reality.

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