понедељак, 9. март 2015.


Diversity, acrylic, 40X30

Dawn, acrylic, 40X40

Duality, acrylic, 70X50

When doves cry, acrylic, 70X50
Slike predstavljaju deo ciklusa koji je rađen na platnu. Uglavnom je reč o autoportretima, a u svim je prikazano nadrealno i svet mašte, kao podsvesni odgovor na svet realnog i ličnog. Zadržan je ujedno lični i autonomni svet koji je evidentan u kolažima.
Paintings represent part of the cycle done on canvas. They are mainly selfportraits, although the world of unreal and imagination is vivedly depicted in all of them, as a subconscious response to the world of real and personal. Personal and autonomous world of collages is evident as well.

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