среда, 21. март 2012.


BREASTFEEDING predstavlja seriju crteža radjenih kombinovanim tehnikama- kolaž i pastel na papiru. 
Nastali su 2007. godine posle  rodjenja autorkine ćerke. Svi su ličnog karaktera i oblikovali su ih razni uticaji,- simboli iz spoljašnjeg sveta su obojeni unutrašnjom atmsferom, emotivnim stanjima koja su pratila promene u životu umetnice.
BREASTFEEDING represent the series of drawings made in the combined technique- collage and chalk on paper.
They were made in the year of 2007 after the birth of the author's daughter. All are of personal character and were shaped by various influences- symbols from the outside world coloured by the inner atmosphere and emotional stated which followed the changes in artist's life.

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